Saturday 12 September 2015



To enforce the new dress code Tripoli govt Foreign Ministry occupied by Islamist movements, unspecified 'consultants' religious, who have plumbed the offices for a week to study the new measures. No longer enough scarves or hijab. Set gender segregation: men and women can no longer work together. These rules on clothing apply from primary schools to university. Was that Federica Mogherini - EU Foreign Minister mean with "dialogue"?

Rome - In Libya, the so-called 'government of Tripoli' - which is actually an Islamist insurgent group linked to the 'Muslim Brotherhood' Egyptian (declared terrorist and dissolved by the Court in Cairo) he threw the mask and abandoned all restraint , by imposing a turning to fundamentalist used the 'Ministry of Foreign Affairs '. 
Tripoli govt - not recognized by the international community - imposed to all women the obligation to wear at work the 'khimar', a cloak which covers the body from head to toe. A kind of Islamic clothing which may change according to local tradition, up to cover the entire face.
For women serving in those offices it is no longer sufficient just wear headscarf, as expected so far by Libyan dress code.
Some versions of 'khimar'.  The photos are drawn from an online retailer and, as we see, the 'models' cover the face for not exposing themselves to retaliation by Islamic fundamentalists.  Federica Mogherini knows these things?  Yes, you know, know.  For her the freedom of women must be this.Some versions of 'khimar'. The photos are drawn from an online retailer and, as we see, the 'models' coveingr their faces for not exposing themselves to retaliation by Islamic fundamentalists. Does Federica Mogherini - EU foreign minister know these things? Yes, she does. For Tripoli govt the freedom of women must be like this.
The news was reported by newspaper 'Libya Herald', citing sources inside the so-called 'foreign ministry' of Tripoli, and would not have been decided by the authorities 'governance', but from unspecified "consultants" external, clearly of Islamist, who went at the headquarters of the ministry last week.
The 'new' dress code is not the only new tax. Employees has also been imposed a strict system of separation and gender segregation, under which men and women can no longer work together and have to work in separate rooms . The penalty for those who infringe these rules (at least for now: waiting for the next installment of jihad horror) will be fired .
In the coming weeks, according to the head of the Libyan, these rules will be extended to other ministries , but the fundamentalist turn not spare even schools, which will be imposed segregation and separation of gender, with the obligation to wear the hijab for students of all levels, from primary to university.
To Mrs. Federica Mogherini, CFSP High Representative of the European Union and worthy representative of the European institutions without spine and without the spinal cord, we would like to ask: is this the kind of 'dialogue' which she claims to be the basis for restoring unity government national in Libya? Thus the EU - and the Member States most influential (including NO ITALY ...) - aim to promote human rights, indirectly supporting the criminals Islamist anti-libertarian?

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