Monday 27 February 2017

Which non platonic solution for Libya

The initiative of Tunisian president Beji Caid Essebsi, implemented with talent by his representative, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Khemaies Jhinaoui, is welcome. Will it succeed, however, to constitute a solution to the Libyan drama? Nothing is less sure.
A step in the right direction
Surely this is a step in the right direction than acting within the framework of the UN by ensuring involve all Libyan parties inclusive, ensuring that the solution can only come from inside.
It's supposed to say and necessary; but this is insufficient in view of the current state of the world, the geostrategic situation of the country and especially the causes of the tragedy.
Now it is a cardinal principle never neglect in political science, what is not to neglect the cause to act effectively on the effect. Especially as we know, for a fact, that the effect can only be to the extent of the case. So it is dramatic in its negative impact or fabulous in its benefits according to the smallness or greatness of the cause, both moral and material.
Act on the cause
yet, we do not talk, or very little, of Libyan drama cause. What is it? To summarize, these are the appetites of the West attracted by the riches of this country suddenly declared disaster status. We know that chaos is an opportunity to make the juiciest business. But ever the neo-colonialists were not many around Libya's bargain. In addition to the wealth of the country, they were and are intended to prevent any change in the unfair, though order
Who today do not know that among the motivations of the cabal orchestrated against the dictator was that Gaddafi had to counter its initiatives, admittedly dumb essentially, but were no less likely to disrupt world disorder dominated by to become lords supposed to save their threatened interests,"tappers"?That this was done in the name of human rights and freedoms of the people does not change the truth.
More than elsewhere, it is known in Tunisia that exploits the true - and also the sacred - the false and despicable.
A Machiavellian strategy
Do not forget! It all began in Tunisia which was, incidentally, the first victim of the Libyan tragedy. We initiated it, as in a game of skittles policies, the fall of a dictatorship considered hardly more or cooperating enough with the aims of neocolonialism. It was the establishment of a subtle strategy, long-term, to force change in the face of a part of the world, without affecting its way to become blatant disorder. This should contribute to hide in some aspects.
The fallacy, though wise - meeting the expectations of enslaved peoples - was obviously democracy. Now it knows that even in the democratic West, that the people supposed not to exist or more; we are a "daimoncratie" that power of demons (daimons) politics. Obviously, these demons are today the gurus of global finance and policy at the service of global capitalism, allied for the occasion at the most venal current in Islam, Salafism in this "wild capital islamism".This is what gave the terrorist organization Islamic State (Daesh).
Fanned in Syria, this nefarious plot is now denounced even in its early initiators in America where the arrival of troublemaker Trump has shown that this strategy of chaos was not the best.
The imperative of solidarity
We can no longer continue to act as if nothing had happened. The head of the Libyan drama is the West that must assume entire responsibility in the ruin of the country and its near and far neighbors.
In the West, it is not just the United States to be involved, but especially the European Union (EU) which left first deadly traits for Gaddafi and his people.
The EU can not and should not be limited to its current practice of scribbling policy inept developing a strategy to lock the borders of Libya, to be considered, and also in Tunisia, retention camps for the flow of refugees, these postmodern concentration camps. She's categorical imperative, both legal and moral, to act on the causes for finally recognizing and serious manner the necessary and essential solidarity between the two shores of the Mediterranean. It is a fatality imposed the inevitable exit of former world paradigm dead an archaic world relations after the Second World War.
Such a healthy reaction begins with the dramatic act in symbolic terms that will repudiation of the current European policy on migration. Let them dare, first, erect new dogma in the freedom of human movements by using the tool now unavoidable biometric circulation visa?
And that repairs the harm done by proposing the accession to the Maghreb Union, including Libya. Is it not thus act on the causes of the Libyan drama and find useful to get out in the framework of the European motto of unity in diversity: In varietate concordia?

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