Thursday 5 November 2015


Leon reports today to UN Security Council, and will leave immediately its post of  UN special envoy for Libya to German Martin Kobler to fly to Abu Dhabi and manage 'Diplomatic Academy' of the Emirates, a think-tank founded at end last year (gossips say especially for him) with the intent to promote Emirates foreign policy and train their diplomatic corps.
UN Secretary announced yesterday that the handover between Kobler and Leon will be "in the coming days", expressing gratitude to the Spanish diplomat for "his dedication and his effective leadership to the UN mission in Libya (Unsmil) ". In fact it was a sudden change of position by UN Secretary, who, only last Saturday reiterated "full confidence" in Leon, arguing that he would stay "fully engaged in the process to facilitate the political dialogue Libyan" in front of required "continuity in each handover ".
Gossips: ''Leon, masterminded by UAE, strong supporter of Tobruk government and its Chief of Staff, General Khalifa Haftar, as to be suspected of having bombed, alongside Egypt, Libya Dawn militias.
UN diplomat will receive from UAE a salary of 1,540 € a day plus lavish accomodation and other facilities.
Two days ago parliament in Tripoli strongly criticized Leon permanence to negotiation management, according to which Leon permanence as Unsmil head threatened to "smash what remains of the political dialogue". "We are surprised by the support expressed by UN Secretary General for Leon to remain in its position", it was declared in Tripoli meeting by a statement, denouncing "the negative outcomes of the draft agreement of so-called government of national accord." From Tripoli came the warning that UN Secretary would be considered directly responsible for the collapse of the talks.

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